Friday 25 September 2015

My Favourite Things about Fall

It is now officially fall, and I could not be more excited. As a Canadian, I find that I like the in-between seasons much more than the extreme ones. Spring and autumn are the best, because I just don't like the extreme heat or cold. It is also the season where I feel the happiest, and here is a few reasons why.

 The Trees
This is one that I think really depends on where you grew up. I only recently found out that the leaves didn't change colours like this all over the world, and it made me really sad. First of all, I don't think there is a better smell in the world that fallen leaves. They just smell so crisp and fresh. 
Also, there is something incredible appealing about the forests looking like they are on fire. It looks magical, and is something that I don't think any other season can compare to. (Plus, who doesn't love jumping in the leaves like a little kid, am I right?)

The Fairs
I don't know what it was like in the town where you grew up, but my town had one adorable fair that everybody went to. It had everything. There were incredibly fun and thrilling rides. Pettings zoos with pony rides, and a harvest section. 
There was no better place to compete of you were a horse rider or a cattle farmer. Not to mention, it was the only time of the year where you could get freshly made taffy from a truck. I'm going back this year, and I'm planning on spending a unseemly amount of money on taffy and deep-fried mars bars.

I adore the holiday that is thanksgiving. It was one of the few times of year where my whole family would get together and just have a good time. We would turn on the fireplace, eat some pumpkin pie and turkey, and just chat about our year. There was nothing better that making my famous blueberry crumble and bringing it for everyone to enjoy.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Now, before you all freak out and complain about how generic this is, let me reason with you. There is exactly two types of coffee I like, one is a French-Vanilla coffee, and the other is a pumpkin spice latte. Nothing brings me more pleasure than that one season where I could get what I consider to be one of the most delicious drinks on the planet.

I freaking love halloween. There is something just thrilling about getting a pumpkin and carving it yourself. I don't go out trick-or-treating anymore and I really have never gone to the school dances. No, my halloween tradition is to get a big bowl of candy and just watch some of my favourite halloween film. I will marathon all four Halloweentown movies, and if you have never seen the film Practical Magic, you have been missing out. 

I go apple picking almost every year with my family and I love it. Apples are, maybe my favourite fruit. I will drown myself in apple cider, and apple pie is my absolute favourite. I also can't talk about apple picking without mentioning perhaps the best apple derived food...APPLESAUCE!! I can confidently day that I could live off homemade applesauce, and starting this autumn, I will try to learn to make my own homemade applesauce.


That pretty much sums it up for my favourite things about fall. Let me know what you guys love about this season. It gets me so excited for the Christmas build-up, so I can't wait.

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