Sunday 27 September 2015

Autumn Tag

  Ok we're talking coffee's - what's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Costa/Cafe Nero etc?
I will never be able to choose between a Chai Tea Latte or a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I love both with all my heart, and need them to function in the colder months.

 Accessories - what do you opt for, scarf, boots, gloves?
I'll wear a scarf on a good day. Usually I just go for jeans and a hoodie, and then a scarf to keep myself warm.

  Music - what's your favourite music to listen to during Autumn?
I don't know if it's season specific, but I've been loving Grace Kelly by Mika. It's just an incredibly upbeat song that always puts me a good mood. You can listen to it here.

  Perfume - what's your favourite scent for this time of year?
I really like the Beautiful Day scent from Bath & Body Works. It reminds me of fresh leaves and just smells incredible.

  Candles - what scents will you be burning this season?
The Apple scents from Bath & Body Works are my favourite, I could never pick just one. 

  What do you love most about Autumn?
I love how cozy everything gets. All of a sudden no one cares if you're wearing a sweater or sweatpants. The leaves smell incredible and there is nothing better than watching all of the little squirrels hurrying to hide their acorns for the winter.

  Favourite makeup look?
I usually just go for a very natural look from my Naked Pallet. Fall is when I like to sleep in, so I don't have time for intense makeup.

  What are you looking forward to most in Autumn?
I love halloween. It's easily my favourite part of fall.

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