Monday 28 September 2015

How to Learn French

I grew up in Canada. A country where 22% of our population speaks french, and one of our biggest provinces is all native french speakers. In our schools you can take what is called french immersion. This is a program where, ages 5-17, about half of your classes are in french. That being said, I can speak french very fluently for someone who is neither from France or Quebecois. 
If you are a parent in Canada, I strongly recommend putting your child into french immersion. If you're from another part of the world, here are my top tips on how to get better at french.

Duolingo is a free app that can help you get better at many languages. I personally have never tried their French extension, but the Spanish one that I used is incredible. The app starts off very basic and evolves into more complex speaking and writing concepts.

Don't worry, I'm not just suggesting that you look up How to speak French for Dummies on youtube. If you're the type of person who enjoys watching youtubers such as Zoella, that do I have the chanel for you. SANANAS is a french beauty blogger who I adore. This might be more for slightly advanced speakers, but she is very easy to understand. If she's not for you, just google best french vloggers and you'll find loads of options.

One of the more extreme (and pricey) options. This is one that I have personally experienced, and can speak for the effectiveness. If you're someone who is still timid speaking french, try a summer exchange. If you are ready to go all in, go for a school exchange. I've heard of people going on school exchanges without speaking a lic of french, and I would not recommend this.

I love penpalling. It can be a great thing to do if you want to learn french and your partner wants to learn english. Find a website that works for you and begin emailing. 
TIP: I like to start off by emailing, and then send each other letters. It's just so much more exciting that way.

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