Sunday 27 September 2015

My Candle Collection Updated + One New Candle

I love candles. I don't think that their is a way to describe how much I adore candles. My bedroom is very out of the way in my house, so I often find it smells a little musty because it is away from the kitchen or the fireplace. 
I just live off candles. I always have one burning. I like my floral scents in the spring, my fruity scents in the summer, and now I finally have a fall candle. I have been saving up to get a lot of them, but I realized that I only really need one. I also plan on getting some from the Bath & Body Works Christmas/Winter line.
Anyway, before I ramble on about #candlegoals, here is my finalized list of candles. There will probably be another update around Christmas.

Mango Pineapple 
This is one candle that I simply adore. I found it in Bath & Body Work's Hawaiian collection, and I haven't found it again. I'm sure a lot of you are saying that there is no way I could't find another decent smelling Pineapple-mango candle. The truth is that the one I have just smells so different from all the other kinds. And, I bought it in the small size, so I have to ration when I use it. Take this as a lesson folks, if you like the smell and it's a limited collection, buy the big one. 

This is one of my other favourite fruity scents. It is also the only 3-wick candle I own. I can't speak for the smell of mosaics, but if you like mandarin or citrusy scents, this is the way to go. I burn this one a lot, but it is probably my go to summer scent (maybe out of fear of using up all my Pineapple-mango. I also think that the design on this jar is gorgeous.

Rainforest Gardenia
This is one candle that I burn exclusively in the springtime. It is simply the most fresh and rejuvenating scent on the planet. It also flushes out other scents really well, so I often burn it when another candle I was burning is simply too overpowering. 

Peach Bellini
I like this scent because it is very light. It just makes the air faintly smell of peaches, and I love it. It is one of the only candles I own that never becomes overpowering and just stays relaxing.

Lilac Blossom
This one is kind of a hit and miss for me. I love lilacs. They are my favourite flower, it's my favourite colour, and one of my favourite scents. However, this candle is very strong and I really only burn it when I need a very quick pick me up. I smells like what falling into pit of lilacs would smell like, so I really can't handle it for long. It is simply too powerful.


And now is the time for my newest and favourite candle. This one is not from Bath & Body Works, but from Walmart.
This is not the candle I bought. I was unable to find any picture of it.

This is absolutely the best fall candle I could've found. It comes in a mason jar, and the label looks like a little chalkboard with writing on it. It smells of pumpkin spice, and really gets me in the fall spirit. It was sooooooo much cheaper than a candle from Bath & Body Works, and I think it is almost better. It makes my whole room smell like thanksgiving, so for that I worship this candle.

If anyone has any winter candles they would recommend, comment below and tell me. I am going to be in desperate need of them soon.

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