Saturday 5 December 2015

November Favourites

Today is certainly bittersweet. I will miss November, but we are now officially in the season for Christmas!! I've already started stocking up for the holidays, but I thought I'd take a moment to look back on one of the best months of the year. Here are my November Favourites!! Adele
This song has been my anthem this month. I have been playing it none-stop since it dropped. Adele is one of the few singers where I don't dislike any of her songs.This is one of her best (right up there with Set Fire to the Rain), and I can't wait for the rest of her album. If you haven't listened to it, please do!

Pacifica Lip Butter
My last post was about this product, so I won't go into too much detail. I will say, however, that I find this is a product that is easier to apply with a burst as opposed to your finger.

Hawaii 5-0
I know, I know, this show has been on forever, but I can't help it. I've recently gotten into it, and I'm marathoning it from the beginning (with my family, not by myself alone). Every single character is great, relatable and the show features some incredible villains. I would argue the Wo Fat is one of the best TV villains out there, and I can't wait to see how the rest of the series plays out.

Mockingjay Part Two

I was so excited to go see this movie. I was not looking forward to it, because one of my favourite characters dies in it, but I was very impressed. Not only did they hit every single note that the book hits, but they managed to make a movie that didn't seem like it had been taken word for word from a book. Also, Johanna carried this movie. She's in maybe three scenes, but it made the entire film for me.

Wet and Wild Lipstick
While it's not the most incredible lipstick I've ever tried, ti surely impresses me with the pigment and application. Try out the colour Black Orchid.

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