Saturday 19 December 2015

Eyebrow Threading for the First Time

I have discovered something amazing. Eyebrow threading is something that has never really entered my radar of things to try. Before today, my eyebrow regime was simply plucking the odd hair that developed a mind of its own. But today, I said no more, and decided to try eyebrow threading for the first time.
I was terrified, I'm not going to lie. I thought it would hurt like hell, but it was really fine. It felt like someone was rubbing sandpaper over my skin, and while that wasn't a good feeling, it certainly hurt less than tweezing.
The whole process took about 5 minutes, in which I learned some interesting things.
FIRST: You have to help. The stylist will ask you to hold your eyelid to stretch it out. It's not hard, but it can catch you by surprise if you aren't expecting it.
SECOND: Your eyes will water. I went before either of my friends, and my eyes were watering like crazy. My friends thought I was a baby, but then the exact same thing happened to them. It wasn't pain, our eyes just started to water.

All in all, I would say this was a good idea. For me it was $11.50 CAD, and it was worth every penny. I'm definitely going to get mine done again.

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