Monday 14 December 2015

Adorable Christmas Sweaters!

Not gonna lie, before this year, I was never much of a Christmas sweater type of person. That all changed when I fully realized just how many options we had this year. I've decided to show you some of my favourite (that I've found online, not that I own).

Let it Snow...
I had to start this list off with a classic, so of course I went with the adorable Rudolph one from Dorothy Perkins. You can get it here for only $26.

And for our next pick, I found this adorable one inspired by Disney's Frozen. This one is perfect for any parents with Frozen-obsessed kids (or if you are the Frozen obsessed kid). You can get it here for $28.47

I must say, this one's a favourite. A perfect combination of Ugly Christmas sweater and classy elegance. Get it here for $42.00

Penguins!!! It's nearly impossible for me not to love this sweater. I love that it's not exclusively a Christmas sweater, and works all winter. Get it here for $29.99
This one is beautiful. It's very mature looking, but still works for  Christmas sweater parties. I actually might buy this one. You can buy it here for $19.99

There you go folks, my top 5 Christmas sweaters. Be sure to send me your favourites, comment below with what you think, and follow me on:

Also...Important update. 
I'm going vegetarian starting in January, so I was wondering if you guys would be interested in me posting about my experience. Also, if you have any tips, comment below and I'll be sure to reply.

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