Thursday 30 April 2015

The Food Tag

What’s on your favorite sandwich?Ham, Cheddar Cheese and Lettuce. Plain and Simple.
Soup or salad?Soup. I love a good tomato soup, chicken noodle soup, or even those Alphabet noodle soups.
What is your favorite cookbook?
I typically use recipes that I find online, I don't have a favourite cookbook.
No more sweet or no more savory?No more Sweet. I love both, but I feel like it would be healthier to cut out sweets.
Which kitchen (country) is your favorite?
I love Indian and Chinese food. Rice is my favourite, so it's great from both countries. I also adore a good curry.
What is your favo food movie?
I'll say TV show. Mine is Cakeboss, because I love cake.
What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?Dairy Queen's Cotton Candy Blizzard.
Who is your biggest inspiration?I love watching cooking videos with Zoella.
Home cooking or dining out?Home cooking. It's just nice to have a home cooked meal. (Plus then you know everything that is in your food.)
High end or low profile?I don’t care so much, I enjoy both. 
What is your favorite restaurant?I adore the Texas Roadhouse.
I do my groceries at …Walmart, because it's close and convenient.
The best I’ve ever eaten is …I had fresh French bread with a meat spread on top. It was heaven.
What is your favo cocktail?I do not like cocktails. 
Coffee with George (Clooney) or Heston (Blumenthal)?George Clooney. He seems like fun.
What should not be missing in your kitchen?Eggs. I always make eggs and I hate when I'm out.
My favorite snack is …Applesauce. Always and forever. 
What is on your Pizza?
Cheese and Pepperoni.
Food you really don’t like?
I would rather die than eat a tomato. I like tomato sauce, but the texture and smell of tomatoes sickens me.
My favorite food blog is …
I don't have one.
The craziest thing I’ve ever eaten is …
I tried octopus once. It was too chewy.
What’s on your food bucket list?
I want a real Italian spaghetti.
I can not live without …
Water and Tea.

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