Sunday 19 April 2015

Memory Jar

How to make a Memory Jar
This jar is a great idea. I have had one for about a year, and I really am grateful for it. I've filled this jar with tickets to events, plane tickets, little papers from my travels, movie tickets from my favourite films, etc. 
All you need to make an incredible jar like this a...well...a jar. I got mine as a christmas gift (it came with a manicure set), and I emptied it and filled it with my memories. It has a top like a red mushroom with white spots, and is very sturdy, despite being made of glass. 
Once you've filled your jar, you can empty it into a ziplock bag or a shoe box, label it with the year, and stow it away in your closet. Then you just begin filling up the memories again.
I 100recommend making a memory jar. Just fill it with whatever things mean something to you. It is a brilliant way to leave your memories for your children.

On a side note...please follow my friend's blog.

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