Tuesday 18 August 2015

Q & A

1. What fictional world would you love to live in?
I feel like Wonderland would be a blast.
2. Tea or coffee?
Tea unless I'm tired, the coffee all the way.
3. If you could become any animal for a day what would you be?
Housecat. Lots of cuddles and sleeping.
4. Dream job?
Blogger/ Youtuber.
5. What’s cooler than being cool?
Being Kind.
6. You’ve partied a lot in your day right? What’s a memorable party story you’ve got?
When I went to a New Year's Eve party and had to spend it with my friend's parents.
7. You won two tickets to see whoever you want live in concert, who’s on the lineup?
Taylor Swift or SHINee.
8. Joints or blunts?
9. Beer or wine?
Both disgust me.
10. What’s your favorite vegetable?
11. Have you ever broken any bones?
Nope, luckily.
12. Mac or PC?
13. If there was a movie made about your life, what actor/actress would play you?
Emma Stone. 
14. Are you superstitious?
Very, very superstitious.
15. Do you have any food allergies?
16. Are you my dad?
17. Money can’t buy ?(fill in the blank)
18. Have you heard of vermin supreme?
19. Backstreet boys or Nsync?
20. What time is it?
Summertime...JK 3:34 PM
21. Are you down with the sickness
22. What’s your favorite kind of pie?
23. Can you swim?
I'm a very good swimmer.
24. Aliens abduct you and ask you what the meaning of life is, what do you tell them?
25. Top three favorite ice cream flavors of all time ever
Moose Tracks, Coffee Toffee Crunch or plain Chocolate.
26. What’s your favorite holiday?
27. Did you just see that?

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