Sunday 28 June 2015

How to Relax

How to Relax

I used this the day after school ended, and it really helped me get the stress out of my system. I do this whenever I've had a bad day, or I have a lot of work in progress and I just need to chill.

Step 1
Get together your favourite shows and laptop. You could watch something high-paced like Criminal Minds, but I suggest something calmer. This is a great chance to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S or Seinfeld. Even throw in a Disney movie if you want.
Step 2
Run a bath, and get out your favourite bath bombs and bubble baths. I love using LUSH's Pop-in-the-bath bubble bar and the Pink Mini bath bomb.
Little hint about these (Pop-in-the-bath) is that you can use just a little piece and they last a very long time.

Step 3

Set up your laptop beside the bath and emerge yourself in some television and spa luxury. Be sure to light your favourite candles as well.

Monday 22 June 2015

Boys Over Flowers

Boys Over Flowers 
I will admit that this was not a show I would have started watching on my own. I happened to see a Buzzfeed video where people watched Korean Dramas, and this was one of those.
The show isn't a work of television genius, but I do really love it. The characters weren't that relatable in the beginning, but they grew on you. The plot was riveting, and they truly had very few limits. The villains were understandable, and the situations almost realistic.
You do need to read subtitles to watch it, but I'd say it's worth it.

A young girl saves a boy from committing suicide, and is granted a scholarship to Shinwa academy. Shinwa is a school for the richest kids in Korea, and Jan Di does not fit in. The most popular boys of the school are called F4, and they are the richest, and handsomest members of upperclass society. Jan Di hits a nerve with F4's leader Gu Jun Pyo, but eventually wins the trust of all of F4. The show chronicles her love life, her school life, and her quest to become a champion swimmer.

This is Jan Di, played by the wonderful  Hye-Sun Koo. She is lovable, and a fun character to watch in action. She wasn't my favourite, but I still enjoyed all of her adventures.

This is Gu Jun Pyo, portrayed by the talented Min-ho Lee. His character is both sweet and infuriating, and I think this drove me to considering him my favourite.

Would I Recommend It?
I would say that this is the perfect K-Drama to get you into liking the genre. This lead me to watch Heirs and Playful Kiss, both of which were wonderful. Everyone should watch at least some of this show.

Monday 15 June 2015

Jurassic World

Jurassic World

I got the chance to go and see this movie on the weekend. It was a wonderful sequel (of sorts) to the original Jurassic Park movies. The plot was great, the cast was phenomenal (I see you there, Katie McGrath)and the emotions were real. 
I saw this movie in 3D in an AVX theater, so the dinosaurs felt very real. The music was great, as always, and it really did feel like the old Jurassic Park movies.
I don't want to give too much away, but if you have the chance, you should definitely go and see this movie.

Chris Pratt as Owen

Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire

Nick Robinson as Zach
Katie McGrath as Zara

Friday 12 June 2015

The Travel Tag

The Travel TAG; 30 Questions!

1. Where are you from in the world?
I'm a Canadian. My ancestors were English and Irish, but none of us know any of our relatives from over there.

2. Have you been overseas? When/Where?

The only place I've ever been oversees is France.

3. Do you prefer summer or winter? Why?

I prefer summer, but I don't like it too hot.

4. Summer or winter fashion?

Summer fashion! I live for flip flops.

5. Where is somewhere you would love to travel to?
Most of Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

6. Name your essential makeup items for the beach

Sunscreen only.

7. Are you currently saving up for a trip?

I need to save for college.

8. Do you like/dislike travelling?

I adore traveling.

9. Name a place in the world you would love to shop.

I want to go shopping in Japan, as it's very different from what I've heard.

10. Who is your favourite beauty guru and where do they live?


11. What accent in the world is your favourite to hear?

I love Irish accents.

12. How many countries have you visited?

13. Why do you travel
I like to try different things and see different cultures.

14. Favourite city or country?
Montpellier France

15. Most memorable experience abroad?
Living for a month in the south of France.

16. Best item purchased abroad?
I bought a foundation in France that I just love.

17. Advice for those who want to travel but think they can't?
Just go for it, you'll find something for you.

18. Travel accessory you always pack?
Earphones and a volt converter.

19. Can you recite your passport # from memory?

20. Preferred method of travel: planes, trains or automobiles
Planes because for some strange reason I love airplane food.

21. Top 3 Travel items?
Camera/phone, secure purse and sunglasses.

22. Hostel or hotel?
Hotels for sure!

23. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?
I'd rather explore new places (unless Disney World counts, I'd go back there forever)

24. Do you read up on your destination for culture, history or safety or do you wing it?
I read up on laws and expectations, but I tend to wing it from there.

25. Favourite travel websites?

26. Where would you recommend a friend to visit? City and why?
Montpellier for the great shopping and history.

27. You're leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?
Touring Europe (England first) and then Asia.

28. Favourite landmark you have visited?
Arc de Triomph.

29. Beach holiday or travel/explore holiday?
Travel and explore, but not hiking, I hate hiking.

30. To travel is to...
be free.

Monday 8 June 2015

Skosh Box

So I recently ordered a Skosh Box, and when I received it I was quick to dive in.

This was a Rubella Cigar. It was a buttery cookie, and I did like it. It wasn't too sweet, and was a very light snack. It was very crumbled when I got it, but I still enjoyed it.

This was an Anpanman Soft Senbei. It is a very salty rice cracker. I didn't mind it, but you definitely need some water nearby to eat this. 

This was a Supermario Gum + Card Game. I haven't tried the gum yet, as I don't want to waste it. I was a little disappointed with there only being one piece of gum, but the card game is cute and fairly high quality.

Just a layout of the card game and gum.

This was a Cheese Umaibo Stick. I would compare this to a giant Cheeto. It was alright, but I wouldn't say it was a stellar candy.

These were Super Energy Candies. I didn't get to try these, as they contain citric acid, but my little sister said that they were tingly and tasted like a tangerine.

This was a Sylvan Mini Cake Slice.  I was not expecting this to be actual cake, but it was. It was very moist (and full of preservatives). This was apparently chocolate flavoured, but I didn't get any real taste other than sweet.

These were Home Pie: Cookie Layers. These had zero taste while you were eating them, but the after taste was horrible. I wouldn't recommend these.

These were Honey Nut Pretz Sticks. They are very, very good. I'm planning on buying more once I get through the full package I was sent.