Sunday 24 May 2015

TV Show Tag

What’s your favorite TV show?
Probably Doctor Who
2. From 1-10, how obsessed are you?
About a 7
3. Do any of your friends watch the show? Are they as obsessed as you?
No, no one I know likes the show.
4. How did you discover the show?
I heard about it online, and watched it on Netfliz
5. What was your first initial thought of the show and did it change after watching it?
I though the special effects sucked, but the story was great.
6. Why do you like the show?
It's fast paced, you have to think to keep up with it.
7. Who’s your favorite character in the show?
Rose Tyler or Rory Williams.
8. Who’s your least favorite character?
I really don't like Jack Harkness or Martha. 
9. How would you kill off your favorite character?
I would have them die of old age.
10. Who’s your crush on the show?
Matt Smith's Doctor.
11. If you were to be a character, who would you choose?
Amy Pond. I'd get Rory, Van Gogh and a bunch of other people.
12. What’s your favorite episode?
The Day of the Doctor
13. What’s your favorite season?
Season 7
14. Do you watch it when it airs or do you DVR/TiVo it?
I watch it on Netflix
15. Who do you ship?
Amy and Rory
16. Do you follow the cast on Twitter?
17. What’s something that reminds you of the show?
Whenever I see a police box
18. Which one of the characters would you like to meet?
The Doctor of course.
19. If you could meet any one of the actors, who would you like to meet?
Probably Karen Gillan..she seems down to earth and kind.
20. Which actor is similar to their character?
Matt Smith.
21. What other shows would you recommend?
Boys over Flowers, Vampire Diaries, House of Anubis, Pretty Little Liars, Reign, Outlander, Once Upon A Time

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