Sunday 10 May 2015

The Film Tag

  1. Favourite film of all time? Peter Pan (2003) 
  2. Favourite scene from this film? The Scene with the fairy dance or the scene with the thimble.
  3. Favourite action film? I love Avengers and the first Transformers.
  4. Favourite thriller film? I don't really watch thrillers.
  5. Favourite psychological film? Again, I don't like watching movies that make me think too much.
  6. Favourite comedy film? Pitch Perfect all the way.
  7. Favourite scene from this film? I love the finale number.
  8. Favourite “dark humour” or “black comedy” film? Don't watch these, either.
  9. Funniest scene from this film? See Above.
  10. Favourite horror film? I do like the Carrie movies.
  11. Favourite animated film? Aladdin is incredible.
  12. Favourite short film? Disney's Paperman.
  13. Favourite romance film? Titanic
  14. Favourite biographical film?I loved The Imitation Game
  15. Favourite drama film? I love Pride & Prejudice.
  16. Favourite music-themed film? I love Lemonade Mouth.
  17. Favourite mystery film? Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
  18. Favourite sci-fi film? Star Wars.
  19. Favourite indie film? Does Perks of Being a Wallflower count?
  20. Top 5 directors? James Cameron, Steven Speilberg, JJ Abrams, George Lucas.
  21. Favourite book adaptations? Anna Karenina
  22. Worst book adaptations? Percy Jackson destroyed my soul.
  23. Favourite old film? Breakfast at Tiffany's, Wizard of Oz or Roman Holiday.
  24. Favourite film score? Lord of the Rings.
  25. Favourite compilation soundtrack? Too many to tell.
  26. Top 5 actors? Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford.
  27. Top 5 actresses? Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson, Natalie Portman, Kiera Knightly, Hayley Atwell.
  28. Guilty pleasure film? High School Musical.
  29. Most hated film? Blackhat with Chris Hemsworth.
  30. Film you refuse to see? Allegiant, when it comes out.
  31. Films you can’t wait to come out? Captain America: Civil War.
  32. Films you want to see but never get round to watching? The Notebook.
  33. Most overrated film? Napoleon Dynamite.
  34. Most underrated film? The X-Men movies don't get enough credit.
  35. Most overrated actor? George Clooney
  36. Most overrated actress? Penelope Cruz
  37. Best tear jerker? Titanic or The Fault in Our Stars.
  38. Remake you wish had never been made? Well, they should never have tried to make Avatar the Last Airbender into a movie.
  39. Favourite movie location/setting? New Zealand
  40. Favourite cinematographer? There are too many for me to choose one.
  41. Most beautiful film? (in terms of cinematography)I'd say Lord of the Rings.
  42. Film that started your interest in film? I think it was probably the Harry Potter movies.
  43. Actor crush? Tom Hiddleston.
  44. Weird actor crush? Benedict Cumberbatch
  45. Most annoying actors? Jonah Hill
  46. Most annoying actresses? Penelope Cruz
  47. Movies you love that everyone hates? I like the first Captain America
  48. Movie you hate that everyone loves? Napoleon Dynamite.
  49. Movie that didn’t meet your expectations?The Last Airbender
  50. Movie that exceeded your expectations?Hot Pursuit
  51. Best cinema experience?Seeing the Hobbit in AVX
  52. Best film you’ve seen in 3D?Avengers Age of Ultron
  53. Most surprising movie moment?The Head catapulting in Return of the King
  54. Favourite movie character duo?Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins
  55. Favourite dance sequence in a movie?The High School Musical 1 finale 
  56. Favourite decade for movies? The 60s, I love the classics
  57. Remake you want to be made? I want a remake of Breakfast at Tiffany's.
  58. Favourite screenplay? Titanic
  59. Most disturbing movie you have ever seen? Blackhat
  60. Actress/Actor of the future?I think Emma Watson is going to be really famous.

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