Saturday 21 November 2015

Fool-Proof DIY Christmas Ornaments

With the christmas season approaching, I decided it was time to break out my holiday DIYs. We recently got two new kitties, and we have a beloved dog, so I decided to do a DIY to incorporate them. 
I chose to do a salt-dough ornament, and press their paws into the dough. I made a recipe that I absolutely love, and I can give you details on how I decorated them. 

Salt Dough Recipe 
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water

Mix flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Add water. Mix or knead until you have a ball of slightly sticky, malleable dough. 
Flour a surface HEAVILY and flour a rolling pin. Roll out the dough until about an 1/2 inch thick. Use cookie cutters or the rim of a glass to cut out the desired shape. Make a hole in them with a straw
Tip!!! If you plan on pushing your animals paw into the dough, I suggest either rolling it a bit thicker or cutting two shapes, to layer after pressing. 

Bake at 250 degrees F for 2-3 hours or until hard.

Acrylic paint
Mod Podge Dimentional Magic
Mod Podge basic sealant 

Paint your ornaments with your desired colour and designs, I found that a slightly watery paint worked best, as it filled all the cracks. I used a watery black, and it took a few coats. Wait until it is completely dry! Then paint the inside of your paw print impression with Mod Podge. Carefully pour the glitter into the impressions. Give it a moment to dry, then dump the excess glitter in the garbage. 
Give it a few minutes to set, and then carefully fill the indentations with Dimentional Magic. Let dry fully, I recommend overnight.
Then coat your ornament in your sealant. When dry, string it on a ribbon and VOILA!! A christmas ornament filled with love for your pets.


I found it easier with bigger animals to wait until they were lying down, put the dough circle on a plate and then just lightly push their paw into the dough. Otherwise the foot will go right through the dough.
Remember to wipe their little furry paws after. If the circle is heavily floured, they won't have sticky dough on them, but trust me, cats still leave tiny little pawprints all over your house.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Beauty Product Rant Alert!!!!!

Pacifica Creamy Lip Butters

Never in my life have I been so excited to write a blog post. When my mom dragged me out to a health food store to pick up some organic free-range eggs, I was less than thrilled. However, when she told me to stop bothering her and go over to look at the makeup, I perked up a little bit. 
I happen end to notice a very small display set up for a brand called Pacifica. I was looking at their products, and one specific one stood out. I finally convinced my mum to buy it for me, and I adore it. 
The product I bought is Pacifica Coconut Kiss Creamy Lip Butter, in the colour Shell. It is made with natural minerals,is vegan, and is cruelty free. 
Having my makeup products be cruelty free is very important to me. If I ever have the option to get a cruelty free product, I will definitely go for it. This product is high-quality, and smells delicious. 
You can buy it here for 10.00$, and I really hope to be able to try more of their products, because I am very impressed!